The Grasslands Conservation Council of BC is partnering with the Thompson-Nicola Conservation Collaborative to co-host our “Grasslands as Teacher” winter webinar series running on Wednesdays from February 22 to March 15 from 12:00 pm–1:00 pm PST.

Each presenter in the series will share their knowledge of grasslands and what we learn from them from a conservation perspective. The webinars will take place live, virtually on Zoom Webinar with a phone-in option available and there is no cost to attend.

February 22: Grasslands 101 with Dr. Wendy Gardner

In this presentation, you will be introduced to what grasslands are, their locations and importance globally. Then we will focus on BC grasslands – the factors that influence where we find them, their value, current challenges that face these systems, and potential solutions. This will be a big picture look at these unique and important ecosystems and help give some context for future webinars in this series.


March 1: Environmental Education in the Grasslands

The Allan Brooks Nature Centre is committed to promoting the enjoyment of nature and increasing awareness of habitat conservation through environmental education and nature-related activities in the Okanagan region. Situated on a grassland knoll, the Centre provides the perfect learning backdrop to educate youth and public on the importance of habitat conservation. This presentation will highlight their successful education model and how the grasslands can be utilized as a teacher to spark passion for the environment.


March 8: Burrowing Owls

The Western Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia hypugaea, is a Species at Risk in Canada and was extirpated from British Columbia (BC) in the 1980s. For over 30 years the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of British Columbia has been working on reintroducing the Burrowing Owl to the grasslands of BC through captive breeding and habitat enhancement.


March 15: How Grasslands Enhance your World

Grasslands provide a variety of ecosystem services to humans ranging from carbon storage to education. Learn about the values of grasslands from the Grasslands Conservation Council of BC’s Executive Director and Board Members.


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