Many grasslands, many ways to give
For the GCC to continue to play a successful role in the sound stewardship and protection of BC’s grasslands, we need the support of people as dedicated to the grasslands as we are. Make BC grasslands part of your legacy – you can make a difference.
Donations can be made via the website CanadaHelps or by cheque. The GCC is a registered charity in Canada, and all donations are tax-deductible.

In Memorium
Honour the memory of a friend or loved one who appreciated the beauty and importance of grasslands.
In-memoriam donations are a tribute to friends, family, and colleagues, and a kind offer of support to bereaved family members.
The GCC issues a tax receipt to the donor and sends the family a tasteful card acknowledging the gift. The amount of the gift remains anonymous, and you can be assured the family will not be solicited in any way in the future.

Planned Giving
Leave a legacy for future generations by helping to protect the natural and cultural heritage of BC grasslands.
A planned gift may be a one-time cash donation, a series of donations over a set period, bequests under a will, donations of publicly traded securities, RRSPs, RRIFs, life insurance policies, or an endowment.
Planned gifts can be made available immediately or they can be made available for the future.
If you are considering a planned gift, we would be pleased to hear your thoughts and wishes.

Single Gift
For the GCC to continue to play a successful role in the sound stewardship of BC’s grasslands, we need the support of people as dedicated to the grasslands as we are.
We gratefully receive donations of any size. For a gift of $35 or more you can become a GCC member and receive our acclaimed BC Grasslands magazine. However you are able to help, we thank you for your generosity.

Monthly Gifts
Monthly donations help sustain our work and BC grasslands.
They provide steady funding for our conservation projects and can be easy for you to manage when you set up an automatic debit or credit card payment via CanadaHelps.

Corporate Gifts
Donating to the GCC isn’t just about giving back to the community where you do business, it’s about giving back to the land that supports you and your customers.
If the GCC’s pragmatic, respectful approach resonates with your corporate values, make BC grasslands part of your company’s record of giving back.

Gifts of Stock
Donating stocks is one way to make a significant gift to benefit BC grasslands.
In Canada, donors who transfer securities (as stocks or mutual funds) directly to charities are exempt from the capital gains tax, making this type of donation attractive to the donor and the charity.
The donor receives a tax receipt for the full market value of the shares on the day they are transferred to the GCC.