Celebrating 25 Years of the GCC
Join us in exploring some amazing grasslands with engaging speakers!
June 7th 8:30 am to 12 pm – AGM
In person at TRU or online via ZOOM
Free registration/ by donation
June 7th 1 – 5 pm – Tour to Lac du Bois
Restoration on the Lac du Bois grasslands: Encroachment and Invasives
Will car pool to sites from the Lac du Bois ORV site
$10 fee for light snacks and drinks
June 7th 5:30-7:30 No host dinner
Location TBD. Please register so we can make a reservation. No host.
June 8th 9:30 am to 7 pm – Tour to Tunkwa Lake Grasslands and BBQ Dinner
Stewarding upper grasslands post 2021 Tremont Creek Wildfire, with a wind-up BBQ at Indian Gardens Ranch
Buses to depart TRU at 9:30 and return by 7 p.m.
$75 fee includes bus transport, light lunch and BBQ dinner.

Red Hill restoration site in Lac du Bois

Long Lake area in Lac du Bois

Tunkwa grasslands